
Test of Tear Drop

Tested out the trailer the other day. It needs a ton of work. It's a lot heavier than I thought and the hitch needs a complete overhaul. Right now, every time I push off the trailer "jerks" and then slows down to the point them I'm almost constantly pushing. I need to make the hitch from trailer to board feel like one solid piece. That way, when pushing, it should feel less like I'm towing something and more like I'm pushing a long, heavy board. I took my son out and he video'd the whole thing. I'll try to figure out how to post vids on here. Thankfully it makes turns much better than I was hoping. I should try to get a better board too, but that's down the list.
I did load it up with most of the gear I'll be bringing but will still need to carry a backpack with things like water and possibly clothes. I'm gonna have to get in better shape to this as well, but I kinda figured that. ;)
We're mapping out the route and I'm hoping to have several spots posted before we head out. I'll also be doing something with "Grafedia", more on that another day.

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